“Today, the Hudson’s waters flow cleaner than they have in decades. Years of hard work by dedicated scientists, government officials, and river-lovers have opened the Hudson’s shores to swimming, fishing, and boating. Revitalized public beaches, boat launches, parks, and fishing access sites dot the estuary’s shores, and opportunities for outdoor activities abound.”
Recreational activity has rebounded in the Upper and Lower Hudson. Big investments have brought major residential and commercial real estate projects to its shores. Communities are rediscovering the beauty of the Hudson and creating new opportunities for people to access and enjoy the river. Click here for information sources and citations.
A thriving recreational catch-and-release fishery is open in the Upper Hudson as are the recreational and commercial fisheries in the Lower Hudson. Please review New York State’s limits on fishing and its fish consumption advisories.
We encourage you to enjoy the Hudson, to comply with all state fish consumption advisories and to check with the New York State Department of Health and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for information about recreational activities in your area.